Refusal To Do Schoolwork
In a previous blog, ADHD And Refusal To Complete Assignments, I discussed kids and teens refusal to do schoolwork. I offered that we should be asking why, rather than punishing. I have had a lot of positive feedback about that blog, so I would like to dig into the issue a little bit further. If […]
Parenting Children with ADHD, Part 2
Parent/Child Collaboration I frequently hear parents say one of these things regarding the type of parenting they experienced: “My parents didn’t have a clue, I basically raised myself and I turned out fine”, “My parents were too strict/heavy-handed/mean, and I refuse to parent the same way”, or “I did what my parents said or I […]
Parenting Children With ADHD, Part 1
5 Keys for Success We all had ideas about the type of parent we would be when the time came. We also had ideas about how our children would be. It is natural to dream and fantasize. Often, when reality does not line up with our dreams, we judge our own parenting skills as the […]
Motivation and ADHD
How To Support Kids Of All Ages I was recently working with a young man, “Brian”, who just graduated from high school. He had finished up the last few months at home, due to COVID-19, and had spent the bulk of the summer watching and re-watching several popular television series on Netflix. Brian was well-known […]
Back To School Strategies For Children Who Struggle With Attention
What To Know So You Both Succeed! Are you dreading another frustrating school year for your child with ADHD? Join me for a free back to school webinar where I give you a framework to get started on the road to success! If you need more help, our online training courses give you a comprehensive […]
10 Tips To Empower Kids With ADHD
Helping Your Child Succeed In Life Empowerment – it’s a 21st century buzzword. It may feel overused or even cliché for some of us. For occupational therapists, it has meaning dating to the beginning of our profession around WWI. To help facilitate rehabilitation and return to being a productive member of society, wounded soldiers were […]