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Back to School Tips for Middle and High School Aged Students

Back to School Tips

Think back to when you transitioned from elementary school to middle school. There was so much more variety of classes and different teachers, you could sit anywhere for lunch, and it all felt like such a big step toward freedom. You might have had a locker and a PE locker (two combinations to remember!), band […]

ADHD Developmental Lag

ADHD developmental lag

A few days ago, I was outside watering and tending to my garden (butter lettuce for the winter) when something caught my eye. The sole sunflower in the garden finally looked ready to bloom soon. I’ve been watching its slow development, but something about the look of that sunflower on that day made me want […]

Executive Functioning Skills

executive functioning skill

Executive functioning skills are a challenge in kids with ADHD, but they can be improved. Here is a brief overview of each skill and a tip to help strengthen it.

Back To School Strategies For Children Who Struggle With Attention

Back To School With Your ADHD Child

What To Know So You Both Succeed! Are you dreading another frustrating school year for your child with ADHD? Join me for a free back to school webinar where I give you a framework to get started on the road to success!   If you need more help, our online training courses give you a comprehensive […]