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Back to School Tips for Middle and High School Aged Students

Back to School Tips

Think back to when you transitioned from elementary school to middle school. There was so much more variety of classes and different teachers, you could sit anywhere for lunch, and it all felt like such a big step toward freedom. You might have had a locker and a PE locker (two combinations to remember!), band […]

ADHD and Work Refusal, Part 3

Work refusal and ADHD

Completing homework remains a hot topic in the ADHD world. In this article I share two strategies to eliminate the work refusal and gain more peace at home.

ADHD and Homework Issues

ADHD and Homework Issues

I’m writing this in March of 2022. Students are three quarters of the way through the current school year, yet I get calls and emails every day from parents who describe their child as struggling with completing and turning in their homework. My most viewed blogs are about homework issues (ADHD And Refusal To Complete […]

Refusal To Do Schoolwork

Refusal To Do Schoolwork

In a previous blog, ADHD And Refusal To Complete Assignments,  I discussed kids and teens refusal to do schoolwork. I offered that we should be asking why, rather than punishing. I have had a lot of positive feedback about that blog, so I would like to dig into the issue a little bit further. If […]