ADHD and Homework Issues

I’m writing this in March of 2022. Students are three quarters of the way through the current school year, yet I get calls and emails every day from parents who describe their child as struggling with completing and turning in their homework. My most viewed blogs are about homework issues (ADHD And Refusal To Complete […]
Get Back To School Organized With Your ADHD Child

Create routines to get your ADHD child and your whole family organized with these tips for a successful year back to school.
Refusal To Do Schoolwork

In a previous blog, ADHD And Refusal To Complete Assignments, I discussed kids and teens refusal to do schoolwork. I offered that we should be asking why, rather than punishing. I have had a lot of positive feedback about that blog, so I would like to dig into the issue a little bit further. If […]
ADHD And Refusal To Complete Assignments

Instead Of Punishing, We Should Be Asking “Why” A few days ago, I saw a post on a different group than the one I moderate for ADHD parent support. The post was from a parent asking for advice about how to punish a child for refusal to complete assignments in virtual school. The mom said […]
10 Tips For Parents Struggling With Their Kids Over Virtual Learning

Are You A Parent “Losing Your Mind” Over Virtual Learning? I went on a bit of a rant in my Kids Empowered 4 Life ADHD parent support group the other night. It’s my group, so I can do that! I now want to take a moment and sit down to write out all of the […]