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Motivation & ADHD

Motivation & ADHD

“He only wants to play video games!” “She cannot get herself to do any of the assigned schoolwork.” “He won’t even keep his body clean, let alone his room.” “She refuses to do even basic chores!”         “Everything takes forever, and I have to constantly remind and nag!” Can you relate to any of these exasperated […]

Parent Coaching for ADHD Can Improve Kid’s Behavior

Parent coaching for ADHD

When I see parents asking in online ADHD groups about referrals for a “behavior therapist” or “behavior coach” for their child, I always wonder a few things. I understand that behavioral issues can be exhausting to parents, discouraging for kids, and devastating for a family. I have seen this firsthand – witnessing clients kicking, screaming, […]

Self-Care for Parents of Children with ADHD


5 Tips to Prioritize Yourself In my parent support group, in other online ADHD pages, in my parent coaching and in conversations with parents every day, I hear a common refrain: “I’m exhausted, I’m frustrated, I’m drained, I’m at my wit’s end.” Parents of children with various high needs know the sentiment all too well. […]

What is ADHD Parent Coaching?

ADHD parent coaching

Parenting is hard! ADHD is a whole family issue: it impacts the parent/child relationship, as well as relationships with siblings and friends, and it affects school satisfaction and performance. To be clear, parent style does not cause ADHD. However, the parenting approach that is chosen could have an effect on the family dynamic, the child’s […]

5 Tips for ADHD Success at Any Age

ADHD success

Raising a child with ADHD can be an exhausting endeavor. There are challenges at every age. Here are 5 tips for ADHD success that you can implement today.

5 Keys to Parenting ADHD

parenting ADHD

Parenting ADHD kids is hard, but these five tips will show you how to improve relationships and help your child at home, school and in the community immediately.