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Must-Haves for Students with ADHD

Must-Haves for Students with ADHD

We have all seen the lists of back-to-school items that your teachers want you to have. We are now well into the academic school year, and many students that I work with are still struggling with planning and prioritizing, organization, time management, task initiation, focus, and more. When one or more members of the family have ADHD, there are some additional items that can really help with these executive functioning skills!

If your child has had a rough first couple of weeks of school, consider some of these items that will help them!

You can always reach out to us at kidsempowered4life.com for a detailed evaluation and recommendations!

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Calendar Whiteboard for the Family

Magnetic Planner

Academic Planner with Stickers


School Item Hub. If you find yourself running around every morning trying to locate backpack, laptop, shoes, water bottle, musical equipment, lunch box, PE clothes, sport equipment and more, this is exactly what you need to keep everything in one place.

School Supply Caddy. Keep school supplies organized in one place.

Homework Helpers for focus, time management, fine motor, and sensory needs

Wiggle Cushion. Who says homework must take place seated at a desk? I love this wiggle cushion not only to sit on, but to stand on or lay on. It provides a nice amount of proprioceptive feedback.

Stress Balls. Have a few of these nearby for those difficult math problems or when your child needs a break.

Floor Cushion. I encourage my clients to do homework in various positions that keep them engaged and alert and off their bottoms!

Sand Timers. Help your child visualize and manage their time with these sand timers in various segments of time.

Pencil Grips. If your child complains of a sore hand, they may be gripping their pencil too hard or with a grip that will cause fatigue. Try these pencil grips for a more functional grasping pattern.

Carabiner Clips. Coordinate clip to folder color and use it as a visual reminder that your child has homework to turn in. You can also clip a small laminated card to their backpack with visual reminders.

Noise Protection. For kids who are easily distracted by noise, we want to shut out as much as possible so they can focus better. These are great noise canceling protective headphones.
